Often, the lion represents extremes, either in a positive sense – it is a model of a heroic person or in a negative way – as a symbol of the devil’s peace (1 Peter 5: 8). Green lion means a solvent of incredible decomposing power.

In the world of images of alchemy, the lion, on the one hand, is a symbol of the primordial matter of sulfur, and on the other, in the form of a “red lion” – a ready-made “philosopher’s stone”. 6 Apocryphal Appendix 23-42 A plot that goes back to the prophet Daniel’s Old Testament Book.)

With the advent of Christianity, the lion has become a somewhat controversial symbol: on the one hand, it symbolizes the strength of Judas’ race, but it is also an image of the enemy swallowing the victim, from which only God himself can protect. A lion sketch is a remarkable thing that can be drawn in many different ways! Hercules defeated the Nemean lion, which is a symbolic designation of the human mind’s victory and spirit over animal nature. In ancient Egypt, the lioness was the form of the war goddess Sekhmet, and the lion with the sun disk on its head represented the god Ra. Astrologers associate the constellation Leo with the sun and refer it to the fire signs. Both in the form of an image and quite specifically, this beast is repeatedly represented in heraldry, fairy tales, and epics.
Lion eyes drawing how to#
How to draw a sketch of a lion in 4 versions is described in this article! The lion is considered a symbol of domination.